About Us

The main purpose for Tanzania Youth Coalition (TYC) is to act as common body or organ unifying various socio-economic and cultural youth groups in Tanzania in addressing youth rights, particularly ensuring that the voices of young people are heard at the right platforms whether Local, Regional, National, Sub regional, Regional and Global arenas through information sharing, and influencing positive policies changes by advocacy and lobbying.
It is a coalition whose purpose is based on youth advocacy for sustainable development and related subjects such as Employment, Poverty Eradication, Environment, Health-HIV/AIDS, and Peace just to mention a few. 


The idea of establishing the Tanzania Youth Coalition (TYC) came as a response during the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) preparations in 2001. The early youth pioneers of the Rio+10 process found that there wasn’t an advocacy body to present youth concerns in a unified approach as other Civil Society Organizations in the process. TYC was meant to undertake and perform the work of Information, Policy, Lobbying and Advocacy while building the capacity of young people on sustainable development so that they can effectively participate into the Rio + 10, the WSSD and post Johannesburg policy process. The idea was to ensure that the voices of young people are heard at the right platforms such as the decision and policy making arenas whether Local, Regional, National, Sub regional, Regional and Global levels.

Tanzania Youth Coalition has since its establishment 9 years ago been working very closely with different development partners like  International Labor Organization (ILO), Ministry of Labor Employment and Youth Development, FIC, United Nations Millennium Campaign Nairobi, UNICEF, Swedish Council of Youth Organizations (LSU), MS Tanzania, Africa Youth Trust (Kenya) just to mention a few. The vibration that was started by the founding members of the TYC was kindly supported outstandingly morally and technically by the former Development worker for the Rio+10 NGO network Mr. Ole Gerner Jakobsen.

As a result of working with different stakeholder nationally and internationally and an increased connection and trust from different partners, in 2008 Tanzania Youth Coalition was able to open a youth training centre in Kijitonyama, Dar Es Salaam, offering different youth leadership skills training for young people between 15-35. The trainings offered by the centre include amongst others project management, citizen journalism, life skills training, computer class and entrepreneurship, with the aim of empowering youth and provide them with better self employment opportunities. Furthermore, TYC has established platforms (majukwaas) in 12 districts in Tanzania that provides an opportunity for young people to meet and interact themselves with local authorities and to speak their voice on the concerns and share different development issues that affect their lives. 

Our Philosophy


Tanzania will have a well-informed and empowered, responsible youth population who are able to participate in national development productively as individuals and form a strong and vibrant civil society at local, national and international levels to the benefit of the poor and vulnerable people of our nation (Constitution 2002).
The main purpose of Tanzania Youth Coalition is to raise awareness and build the capacity of youth (primarily the coalescing partners) regarding sustainable development focusing on policy analysis, information sharing, exchange and dissemination, lobbying and advocacy; and ensure that the voice of a young person is heard across decision making platforms (Constitution 2002).

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