Tuesday, March 6, 2012

GX volunteers spend a day at Friends of Don Bosco orphanage

The Global Xchange Team has been busy out in the community again. This time the volunteers who work with TYC have been sharing their skills, knowledge and enthusiasm with the children and young people at Friends of Don Bosco orphanage. The team planned a community action day (CAD) at the orphanage with 'The Environment' as their theme.

The volunteers played games and energizers with the young people. They designed a treasure hunt with environment themed questions for the younger children to take part in. They also provided the orphanage with some much needed gardening equipment and seeds to help develop their garden and vegetable patch. The volunteers worked on the garden with the young people teaching them how to look after plants and why taking care of the environment is important. The children designed and drew posters about their environment, the parts of a plant, how to look after plants and about the importance of throwing rubbish away properly. The volunteers had these posters laminated to be put up around the orphanage.

The day provided an opportunity for the volunteers to share their knowledge, skills and time but also gave them a chance to have some fun with the children. Friends of Don Bosco were grateful for GX's input and the impact the volunteers made in just one day. It was a fun and successful event.

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